A Fairey story
The photography of yachts has always played a major part in the client service toolbox for Owen, shooting over 150 superyachts around the world from the Far East, the USA and Caribbean to the Netherlands, Turkey, Greece, Malta …and the Solent! Alongside these sit the shipyard shoots, yacht launches, press events, PR functions …the list goes on, plus the video material often shot in tandem with the stills photography.
Of course yacht and superyacht photography also requires aerial images with drone operation taking over most of the helicopter work, but if you need full 4K resolution and longer time in the air, helicopters still have their place. Some assignments, such as one carried out at a more remote island location with a video/stills team, needed a twin engine helicopter and a flight duration of over two hours to get the full set of images.
Solent marine photography
Our photographic chase boat has supported many clients over the years, working from Portsmouth it can quickly cover both the East and West approaches to the Solent area and further along the coast to Poole and beyond. Many of our marine clients with newly built or refitted yachts in transit have routed their yachts through the Solent, maybe to pick up larger inventory items and limo tenders and seen the photo opportunity, including the likes of Royal Huisman, Oceanco and other Northern European shipyards.
So where does the Fairey come into our story?
Owens first chase-boat was a Nelson type 36 footer, followed by a Powles 41, then a second Powles this time a 53ft flybridge style. With fuel efficiency becoming a more integral part of the package, our current platform is a classic 1968 Fairey Swordsman, a thoroughbred with a race boat heritage. Stable and capable of 30 knots from new 300hp engines, this sturdy 33ft deep ‘V’ can tackle most of the sea states the Solent can offer with ease.
We look forward to new clients taking up this valuable service offering which is a stand-alone opportunity but we would obviously like the photographic work to be part of a marketing programme.
Roy Roberts, November 2020